Chapter 8: String Algorithms
CSES - String Matching [Rolling Hash]
CSES - Word Combinations [dp, rolling hash]
CSES - Finding Borders [rolling hash]
CSES - Minimal Rotation [rolling hash, binary search, double string]
CSES - Finding Periods [rolling hash, harmonic series]
CSES - Longest Palindrome [Manacher]
Chapter 8: Geometry
CSES - Point Location Test [cross product]
CSES - Polygon Area [Polygon area]
CSES - Line Segment Intersection [cross product]
CSES - Point in Polygon [cross product, count intersections]
CSES - Polygon Lattice Points [Polygon, area, Pick's theorem, Lattice points in segment]
CSES - Minimum Euclidean Distance [Line sweeping with set]
CSES - Convex Hull [Construct convex hull, Andrew's algo]
Chapter 9: Advanced Techniques
CSES - Meet in the Middle [Meet in the middle]
CSES - Hamming Distance [Xor, bit-parallel]
CSES - Beautiful Subgrids [Bitset, bit-parallel, #pragma GCC target("popcnt")]
CSES - Reachable Nodes [TopSort, bit-parallel, #pragma GCC target("popcnt")]
CSES - Reachability Queries [SCC, TopSort, bit-parallel, #pragma GCC target("popcnt")]
CSES - Cut and Paste [Treaps]
CSES - Substring Reversals [Treaps]
CSES - Reversals and Sums [Treaps + Lazy propogation]
CSES - Necessary Roads [Bridges]
CSES - Necessary Cities [Articulation Points]
CSES - Eulerian Subgraphs [Eulerian Subgraph]
CSES - Monster Game I [dp + convex hull trick]
CSES - Monster Game II [dp + convex hull trick + binary search]